Vsak dan:

08:00 - 20:00

02 23 53 552, 02 23 53 553


02 23 53 555


Lavričeva ul. 1

2000 Maribor

Naročite se

Za samoplačniške preglede vas vljudno prosimo, da se naročite preko e-pošte, telefonsko ali osebno.
Vaše naročilo je bilo oddano. V kratkem se vam bomo oglasili!
POZOR! Pred MR preiskavo je potrebno izpolniti splošni vprašalnik za MR, v primeru, da boste opravili MR dojk, pa tudi vprašalnik za MR dojk. Prenesete in natisnete ju lahko tukaj.
Za pospešitev obravnave vas prosimo, da ustrezen izpolnjen vprašalnik prinesete s seboj.
Splošni vprašalnik za MR Vprašalnik za MR dojk
Vaše naročilo je bilo oddano. V kratkem se vam bomo oglasili!
POZOR! Paciente, ki prvič prihajate na pregled ščitnice, prosimo, da izpolnite vprašalnik pred prvim pregledom. Vprašalnik pred prvim pregledom



The doctor first disinfects the puncture site and applies a sterile cover on it. Then, he/she punctures the area of the corticosteroid administration with a needle. The ultrasound guidance allows the most accurate positioning of the needle tip. After that, the corticosteroid is injected.

The intervention is performed under the local anesthesia.

Together with the preparation, this procedure lasts for 5 – 10 minutes (the puncture itself is usually less than 1 minute) and is only minimally painful.

There may be an increase in shoulder pain for the first two days after the treatment. It is an adverse effect of the corticosteroid. An oral analgesic is recommended if this happens. Otherwise, the pain usually resolves by itself after a certain period.

In diabetics, corticosteroid administration can cause blood sugar fluctuations for up to several days after the procedure. Therefore, more frequent measurements of sugar values ​​are advised.
In the case of swelling, redness and pain, or if there are symptoms of systemic infection (such as fever), medical attention is needed as soon as possible.

US examinations are performed exclusively on a self-pay basis.


Please warn us if you have diabetes, blood clotting disease or are taking blood clotting medicines!