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08:00 - 20:00

02 23 53 552, 02 23 53 553


02 23 53 555


Lavričeva ul. 1

2000 Maribor

Naročite se

Za samoplačniške preglede vas vljudno prosimo, da se naročite preko e-pošte, telefonsko ali osebno.
Vaše naročilo je bilo oddano. V kratkem se vam bomo oglasili!
POZOR! Pred MR preiskavo je potrebno izpolniti splošni vprašalnik za MR, v primeru, da boste opravili MR dojk, pa tudi vprašalnik za MR dojk. Prenesete in natisnete ju lahko tukaj.
Za pospešitev obravnave vas prosimo, da ustrezen izpolnjen vprašalnik prinesete s seboj.
Splošni vprašalnik za MR Vprašalnik za MR dojk
Vaše naročilo je bilo oddano. V kratkem se vam bomo oglasili!
POZOR! Paciente, ki prvič prihajate na pregled ščitnice, prosimo, da izpolnite vprašalnik pred prvim pregledom. Vprašalnik pred prvim pregledom


MDT&T d.o.o.  >  Radiography
What is radiography?

Radiography is a basic radiological examination to detect bone conditions or injuries. Low doses of ionizing (x-ray) radiation are used. Weakening of the x-rays when passing through different tissues of the body generates the image of a certain part of the body. It is usually done in two perpendicular projections. Specific projections or functional imaging may also be considered in some cases.

The examination is poor in the presentation of soft tissues (muscles, tendons, intracranial structures).

Does the patient have to be prepared for the examination?

No special preparation is required for a radiography.

It is recommended that you remove any metal objects (jewelry, glasses, piercings,…) and cloths in the examined area before the scanning.

How is the procedure performed?

The patient lies on the table. The radiographer places him/her according to the scanning site. The examined body part may be supported if additional fixation is needed. Namely, it is best that the patient remains still to achieve the best image quality. After that, the x-ray tube is placed above the site of the investigation and the body part is scanned.

The examination takes about 5 – 10 minutes.

Radiography is painless.


You must alert our staff if you know or thing that you may be pregnant. In this case, it is necessary to evaluate the feasibility of the investigation in view of the possible adverse effect of x-rays on the fetus.


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